An Artist gets criticized for redrawing Anya as a black character

Spy x Family is probably the biggest new anime series of the year. The 2nd episode of the series just got released, and as expected, many artist show their love for anime by drawing cute illustrations of the anime. An artist redraw one of the characters from Spy x Family, Anya as a black character, which bring out the worst side of the anime community.

Twitter user @SoulKingLives is known for redrawing anime characters as black characters. He has already redrawn characters from Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, Ranking of Kings, and much more. On April 18, they shared a redrawing of Anya Forger, but the response from the anime community was very controversial.

Many fans said that it is wrong to redraw an anime character as a different race. Here are some of the replies from the quoted Tweet:

Unrealistic. Why is this necessary? I don’t care what color swapping you’re doing here it’s just weird.

People are free to do these edits, and there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with them. But if racebending is okay in this direction, it’s okay in ALL directions. The people who make these can’t complain about a black character being turned white, asian, or whatever.

Spy x Fatherless Household

This image is fake because if it was real, the dad wouldn’t be there.

Looks cute, but the best thing you could do is creating her and put her next to Anya. Not taking away the Anya we know. Like twins

You forgot to photoshop the father out of the picture.

And the list goes on and on for such comments. Recently, @soulkinglives also shared the similar edit for the dad as well. It is needless to say that quoted tweets about this picture won’t be good. Judging from the Tweet, the artist plans to release redrawn Your Forger as well.

The anime series is produced by the collaboration of CloverWorks and Wit Studio, who will produce the episodes separately. Spy x Family is listed with 25 episodes. The first 13 episodes will be released this season, while the remaining 12 episodes will be released in Fall 2022.

Viz media describe the Spy x Family series as follows:

Spy x Family is a story about a spy who has a mission that requires a certain requirement and that is to have a family as a disguise. His hired family seems to be normal; however, he didn’t realize that both his daughter and fake wife are hiding a secret. His wife being a mind reader and his daughter as an assassin will make the story feel intense and at the same time, comedic. Even though the anime was not released yet, it will be more fun if you could explore this story with the digital and physical copy of the manga.

Source: Twitter

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